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A Feel Good Friday surprise for a mail carrier who helped an injured child

EastIdahoNews.com and Ashley in Idaho Falls and Pocatello are partnering to honor people in our community for Feel Good Friday. Every week, we surprise someone deserving of special recognition.

We recently received an email about a mail carrier in the Pocatello/Chubbuck area

We moved into our house a little over six years and have had the same mail lady by the name of Lynda. She is the most kindest and loving person you will ever meet. Eleven months ago, she suffered from a stroke and has recently returned back to work while she still recovers.

Recently my son was riding his bike when he hit a metal mailbox that sliced his finger open. Lynda was there and saw it happen. As my son was bleeding, screaming and crying, Lynda took time to doctor him up with a bandaid and sent him home. When I asked my son who helped him get a bandaid on, he said the mail lady. Shortly after he got home, we got a knock on the door from Lynda asking if that was my little boy that got injured. I let her know it was and thanked her for taking time out of her busy day to help him. She explained what had happened and mentioned that she wasn’t sure if he would need stitches or not.

Later that evening, she reached out on Facebook to check on him to make sure he was ok. I let her know that he indeed needed stitches and he is doing well. I am grateful for Lynda and everything she does for our community. Not only does she keep an eye on the children but also catches our pups when they get out.

We decided to track Lynda down and thank her for her kindness. Check out the video in the player above!

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