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How to get your TSP pin

You may retrieve your TSP PIN number at the TSP website below.

Choose Account Access.

You may also call the TSP ThriftLine at: 1-504-255-8777 press 2
Enter your social security number and follow the instructions.

How To Retrieve Your USPS PIN

To retrieve your USPS PIN follow these instructions:

Dial 1- 877-477-3273

Press 1 then enter your social security number

When asked to enter your PIN number just pause and then press 2.

Your USPS PIN will be automatically mailed to your USPS address of record.

Leave Earning for Career Employees

Annual Leave:
{1-3 years = 13 days}
{3-15 years = 20 days}
{after 15 years = 26 days}
*Sick Leave:
{13 days per year}

Other Benefit Links

  1. Dental Insurance
  2. ELM – Health Benefits
  3. ELM- CSRS (pre 1984)
  4. ELM- FERS (after 1984)
  5. ELM- Life insurance
  6. ELM- SS and Medicare
  7. ELM- Thrift Savings Plan
  8. FSA Brochure
  9. FSA Claim Form
  10. OPM- Life Insurance
  11. OPM-Federal VIP FAQ
  12. OPM-Health Benefits
  13. OPM-Retirement
  14. Thrift Savings Plan
  15. Vision Insurance
  16. ELM-Employee and Labor Relations Manual
  17. Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  18. Equal Employment Opportunity Commision(EEOC)
  19. Injury Compensation Program
  20. Lite Blue Employee Portal
  21. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
  22. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
  23. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
  24. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
  25. Office of Workmen’s Compensation Programs (OWCP)
  26. Savings Bonds
  27. Violence Free Workplace
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