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An Important Message about Personal Protective Equipment from President Ronnie Stutts

“In a teleconference yesterday with PMG Megan Brennan and her staff, I was made aware that there are several hundred thousand bottles of hand sanitizer, 15 million surgical masks, and numerous cases of protective gloves already out in the field. There will be another 600,000 bottles of hand sanitizer available between April 3rd and April 15th. The Voyager credit card has been authorized for purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) items and 200,000 gift cards will be distributed to employees for local purchases.

There should be no reason why carriers do not have PPE items available to them. NRLCA District Representatives are having daily teleconferences with Postal District personnel. If you or your office does not have these items, please contact your District Representative for assistance.”

Click here to find your District Representative’s contact information.

An Important Message about Personal Protective Equipment from President Ronnie Stutts

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