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Any NRLCA Member May Call for a Local Steward Election in July of 2020

The NRLCA Constitution, Article IX, Section 7.B.l, states in part, “Where a Local Steward is in place, any member may call for an election in the month of July of every fourth year.” The fourth year referenced in this section is 2020.

NRLCA Constitution, Article IX, Section 7. Local Stewards:

A. Local Stewards shall be responsible to the District Representative and have no authority until certified.

B. Selection:

    1. Any Bargaining Unit Member with the exception of Assistant Rural Carriers (ARCs Designation 70-5), in a local office or a delivery unit maybe elected Local Steward and shall serve until a successor is elected and certified or until he/she resigns. Where a local steward is in place, any member may call for an election in the month of July of every fourth year. An election may also be called for any time the position is vacant, or when two-thirds of the members submit a petition to the District Representative for approval.


    1. Local steward elections require written notification to all members at least 15 days before the date of the election. Election shall require a majority of votes cast by members in a local office or a delivery unit. In the event of a tie vote, the District Representative, after consulting with the assigned Executive Committeeman, shall select a steward to serve in that office or delivery unit.


  1. When more than one Local Steward has been elected in a delivery unit having 50 or more rural craft employees, a Chief Steward shall be elected from those Local Stewards by the members of that delivery unit. When an office is comprised of multiple delivery units, a Chief Steward shall be elected from among the current local stewards by all members of that office. A Chief Steward shall be selected by the District Representative in the event of a tie. If there is only one elected Local Steward in the office, the District Representative may appoint that local steward as Chief Steward for the office. The Chief Steward shall represent the craft in matters that concern the entire office. The Chief Steward for the office shall also serve as the Local Steward for delivery units where no Local Steward has been elected.


Click here to view/download the “NRLCA Form 10: Application for Steward Certification/Local Steward Election Call” document(s).

Any NRLCA Member May Call for a Local Steward Election in July of 2020

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