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Full-Time Driving Safety Instructor Position Now Available to Rural Carriers

The NRLCA has been in discussion with USPS Officials on the eligibility of rural craft employees to apply for the position of Full-Time Driving Safety Instructor. Several rural carriers around the country have expressed interest in the position. However, the DSI is an APWU bargaining unit position and the concern was that opening that position to our craft might lead to the opening of rural carrier positions to other crafts.

Effective immediately, regular rural carriers and PTF rural carriers will be allowed to apply for the Full-Time Driving Safety Instructor position. This is an application process; it is NOT a bid-for position. The selection of the DSI is entirely up to the selection official. Whether an individual is selected for the position or not will not be subject to the grievance and arbitration process. The choice of the selection official is final. They have total authority to determine the “most qualified” applicant.

Rural carriers who apply for the Full-Time DSI position are also cautioned that, upon your acceptance of the position, YOU WILL BE TRANSFERRED PERMANENTLY TO THE CLERK CRAFT. You will relinquish your rural route with no recourse. You will not be able to transfer back to the rural carrier craft without resigning and being re-hired as an RCA or ARC. You will be represented by the APWU.

Rural carriers are strongly cautioned to consider all the factors above before applying for this position. It is not a part of our bargaining unit and provides no opportunity to return to the rural craft.


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