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Loneliest Mail Carrier In The Nation: Tebra Morris’ Daily 300-Mile Remote Wyoming Route

Morris, a native of tiny Bairoil, Wyoming, runs one of the longest mail routes in the nation. The typical mail carrier in the United States covers about 8-10 miles driving, half that if walking. It’s a six- to eight-hour day for most.

Then there are those like Morris, called rural route carriers. They’re hired by the USPS as independent contractors to cover more remote areas out in the sticks. Many use their own vehicles and are paid a flat rate determined by bid every year.

The average rural route carrier in the United States covers 45 miles a day.

Morris drives that far between mailboxes.

Her route is just shy of 300 miles, and she drives it six days a week, rain, shine or — more commonly in Wyoming winters — blizzard.

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