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Mandatory Stand-Up Talk: Face Covering and Mask Update

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the Postal Service has continued to fulfill its critical mission to bind the nation together. Our employees are working hard to ensure we are there for our customers every day, serving as a lifeline for millions of people.

To help ensure your safety and wellness, the Postal Service reminds you of the following:

  • All employees are required to wear face coverings when there is a state or local order or directive to do so.
  • All employees are required to wear face coverings — including those who do not deal directly with the public — when they cannot achieve or maintain social distancing in the workplace.
  • You should adhere to social distancing guidelines (6 feet) whenever possible while on delivery routes, at retail counters, and within the postal workplace: in plants, on docks and in lunch and break rooms.
  • Practice proper hygiene by washing your hands often for a minimum of 20 seconds. When soap and water aren’t available, use a 60-percent or higher alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Together, these steps can dramatically reduce transmission.

Mandatory Stand-Up Talk-Face Covering and Mask Update

[embeddoc url=”https://www.ruralinfo.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Mandatory-Stand-Up-Talk-Face-Covering-and-Mask-Update.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” cache=”off”]

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