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Past NRLCA National President Gus Baffa passed away on Sunday, March 6, 2022

Past NRLCA National President Gus Baffa passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, March 6, 2022. A proud native of Brooklyn, NY, Gus Baffa served in the U.S. Navy in the late 1950s and early ‘60s prior to his postal career. After his military service, he became an 18-wheeler trucker hauling specialty items, including explosives. Even in his early employment, Gus was a strong supporter of unions. He also served as a shop steward for his local Teamsters union.

Gus Baffa began his postal career as a Designation 73 substitute for three years, then served 22 years as a regular carrier, 15 of those on an L route. Committed to the rights of union members, Baffa served his adopted state of Florida in its steward system since 1981. As local, area, and then state steward, he initiated a more structured steward system, developed the position of assistant state steward, and provided training for all the state’s local, area and assistant state stewards. He served as Florida’s full-time state steward for five and a half years and revamped the steward program for the FLRLCA.

Gus was elected to the NRLCA National Board at the 87th National Convention in St. Paul, MN in 1991 as National Executive Committeeman. He served in this position for six years and then served four years as Director of Labor Relations from 1997-2001. In August 2001, he was elected as President at the Association’s 97th National Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey and served two years in that position.

In Memoriam: Past NRLCA National President Gus Baffa, 1941-2022

Obituary for Gus Baffa | Willis Funeral Service

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