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Rural carrier aids customer hurt by runaway equipment

Allen Dix, a rural carrier in Rural Retreat, VA, is a former farmer, and he knew something wasn’t right when he was delivering mail recently and came upon a tractor that had apparently rolled into a fence on a customer’s property.

Dix stopped to check it out, and he soon spotted the customer lying in a field beyond the fence.

The Postal Service employee ran through the field to aid the man, who was alert but badly injured after trying to stop the runaway tractor an hour earlier, which ran over him in the process.

Dix immediately called 911 and the customer’s family, then comforted him until emergency responders arrived.

The man was flown to a hospital to receive treatment for multiple fractures.

“Allen was thanked by the man’s family members for all the help provided,” said Rural Reach Postmaster Lanar Turner.

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