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Rural Carrier Hero: Jakyric Driver, Center, TX 

A Postal Service employee in Center, TX, recently helped a 4-year-old girl who was stranded alone at a bus stop on a rainy day.

Rural Carrier Associate Jakyric Driver was delivering mail when he saw the girl, who was expecting to go to a relative’s house after school but found that no one was there to meet her when the bus dropped her off.

Driver sheltered the girl in his vehicle while he contacted his supervisor, as well as law enforcement and school officials.

He was instructed to take the girl back to her school, where she was picked up by her parents.

A local broadcaster posted news of Driver’s good deed on social media, where it was liked and shared extensively, receiving comments such as: “So glad our little community is made up of awesome individuals like him!”

Source: Jakyric Driver, Center, TX | USPS News Link

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