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Rural mail carrier retires after nearly 50 years

JoAnn Lombardi, 81, stepped out of her white Subaru Outback one morning last week on Routt County Road 29 right next to a row of mailboxes right where Trout Creek tumbles out of the foothills of the Flat Tops mountain range. The longtime rural mail carrier handed rancher Bernard Knott an “If it fits, it ships” parcel, probably for the last time.

After delivering the mail on the same little rural route for 47 years, Lombardi retired. Her last day was Monday.

Lombardi and Knott briefly reminisced about the time Knott came to Lombardi’s rescue with a team of draft horses and pulled her old Toyota Land Cruiser out of a snowbank.

via Rural mail carrier retires after nearly 50 years – Washington Times.

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