The Rural Relief Day Work List (RDWL) posting starts on Saturday, APRIL 15, 2023. The RDWL must be posted through Friday, APRIL 28, 2023, and be effective on Saturday, MAY, 8 2023
The relief day work list at each delivery unit shall be established twice during each guarantee period. The relief day work list will be posted for a two-week period. Each time the new relief day work list is established it shall supersede the previous list. All regular carriers, regardless of route classification, desiring to work their relief days shall place their names on the relief day work list.
The first opportunity to sign the relief day work list will be three weeks prior to the beginning of the new guarantee period and will be effective at the beginning of the new guarantee period. The second opportunity to sign the relief day work list will be three weeks prior to the beginning of the first full pay period in May and will be effective the first full pay period in May.
- Regular carriers who sign the RDWL have one of three options when working a relief day:
1) DACA R: A mutually agreed upon scheduled DACA X day taken within 12 weeks.
2) DACA 3: 50% compensation and management schedules DACA X day.
3) DACA 5: 150% compensation only (No DACA ‘X’ Day)