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Step 4 – Use of Wire Cages for Loading

The issue in this grievance concerns the use of rolling equipment (e.g., wire containers, post cons, etc.) as a conveyance in rural delivery operations.

After discussion of this case with the National Board and Legal Counsel we determined that our best course of action on these cases is to pursue each of the individual circumstances to Area Arbitration on their own merits. Accordingly, the grievance was settled as follows:

After reviewing this matter, we mutually agreed that no national interpretive issue is fairly presented in this case. The parties agree that whether the use of rolling equipment poses a safety hazard for rural carriers is dependent on the particular fact circumstances in each instance.

Any grievances being held in abeyance should be released and processed according to the terms of this agreement. If the parties are unable to resolve a grievance at the local level then further processing, including area arbitration, may be necessary.


Click here to view the Step 4 grievance letter

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