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Step Four Grievance Settlement – DPS Rebuild After Review and Reclassification

The issue in this grievance is whether there is a requirement to rebuild a rural route following the reclassification of the route as a result of a DPS letter mail formal review. The parties mutually agree that the following will constitute a full and complete settlement in this grievance.

When a rural route that is reclassified as a result of a DPS letter mail formal review is subsequently evaluated using the appropriate DPS letter mail standard, the route will be rebuilt the equivalent of the DPS letter mail impact in accordance with the DPS Letter Mail Implementation Procedures.

Click here to view reference number D-18 from the SRG which is the implementation procedures document referenced in the settlement.

You may view/download the Step 4 Grievance Settlement letter here.

Step Four Grievance Settlement – (J15R-4J-C 18293224) DPS Rebuild After Review and Reclassification

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