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Supreme Court ruling on religious RCA working Sunday expected next week

The U.S. Supreme Court adjourned mid-morning with several highly-anticipated rulings left on the table.

Among those rulings, the high court will decide whether the U.S. Postal Service had the right to require a Lancaster County mail carrier to work Sundays despite his religious conviction that Sunday should be a day of rest.

Gerald Groff, of Providence Township, clashed with the Postal Service when it began scheduling Quarryville post office employees on Sundays to deliver Amazon packages. The Evangelical Christian postal worker transferred to Holtwood to avoid Sunday shifts, but Holtwood eventually was also tasked with delivering the packages. Groff skipped 24 Sunday shifts and ultimately resigned his position, saying he feared he was about to be fired.

Groff sued the Postal Service with the help of Harrisburg-based Christian rights law firm Independence Law Center, which along with other conservative law firms appealed the case up to the high court. Independence Law Center has also been active around Lancaster County, helping school districts craft policies that restrict student access to books and restrict the rights of transgender students.

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