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Attention All Rural Carriers: Special Provisions and Instructions for Handling Signature Capture Items During the COVID-19 Crisis

Please read and follow the instructions below and in the attached Stand-Up Talk that you should be receiving today. Your safety is important as we continue to deliver on our essential mission for the American people.

To reduce health risks, USPS is temporarily modifying customer signature capture procedures for the MDD sign-on-glass feature, PS Form 3811 (Domestic Return Receipt), PS Form 3849 (We ReDeliver for You), and any hard-copy receipt items usually signed by customers. Effective immediately and until further notice, follow the temporary process below for signature service items. This process applies to all letter carriers:

  • Avoid ringing the doorbell when possible. Knock on the customer’s door. Avoid areas that may be frequently touched when knocking.
  • While maintaining a safe, appropriate distance, request the customer’s first initial and last name.
    • Using the MDD, scan the mail piece barcode, select Delivered and answer the prompted questions. Enter the customer’s first initial and last name when prompted for name.
    • When prompted for the customer to sign the MDD’s screen, employees are to print their own initials (not a signature), route number and notate C19 on the screen in lieu of the customer’s signature.
    • For Return Receipts and other hard copy items, enter the customer’s first initial and last name in the Signature box of the form.
    • For PS Forms 3811 and 3849, employees are to print their own initials (not a signature), route number and notate C19 in the “Received by” or “Printed Name” section, dependent on the form. With the PS Form 3849, scan the completed form following the normal process to finalize the delivery.
  • For increased safety, politely ask the customer to step back a safe distance or close the screen door/door so you may leave the item in the mail receptacle or appropriate location by the customer door.
  • If there is no response, follow the normal Notice Left process.
  • If there are delivery points on your route where social distancing recommendations are difficult to follow, please advise your supervisor so alternative delivery methods can be explored.

It is important to remember that the best defense against sickness is good personal hygiene. Practice good respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene. Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds at a time and cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing, using your elbow or a tissue, and then discard the tissue if you use one. When unable to wash hands with soap and water, it is recommended that hand sanitizer be used to help reduce the spread of germs.

[embeddoc url=”https://www.ruralinfo.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/SUT-Customer-Signature-_C19_.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

Attention All Rural Carriers: Special Provisions and Instructions for Handling Signature Capture Items During the COVID-…

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