Many of us have been the victims of porch piracy—the theft of packages and mail left at our door. But you may be surprised to hear that U.S. Postal Service workers themselves, as well as USPS buildings, are also targeted for theft. Serious crimes, including robberies against Postal Service letter carriers, have increased in recent years, raising concerns about delivery workers’ safety as well as the security of the mail they carry.
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Robberies and Other Crimes Against Postal Service Workers Are Up—What’s Being Done About It?
Many of us have been the victims of porch piracy—the theft of packages and mail left at our door. But you may be surprised to hear that U.S. Postal Service workers themselves, as well as USPS buildings, are also targeted for theft. Serious crimes, including robberies against Postal Service letter carriers, have increased in recent years, raising concerns about delivery workers’ safety as well as the security of the mail they carry.