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Final Contract Edition Released

Please be advised that the final contract edition of The National Rural Letter Carrier has been posted and can be viewed in its entirety by CLICKING HERE. via News Info ...

Question Box: Relief Day Work List and High/Low Option

October means choices for rural carriers. Two very important choices to be made this month are whether to sign the Relief Day Work List and whether to select the High Option if available to you. Please take the time to review the information below. Some changes have been made since ...

Has your office implemented the Red Line policy?

If your office has implemented the RED LINE Policy, where you are not allowed, after returning from your route to the office, to take anything across the RED LINE or back to your case. If management is requiring you to do additional duties, that you were not given credit for during ...

NRLCA Form 30 Required for Worker's Compensation Assistance

If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to a Worker's Compensation issue, please contact Devin Cassidy, Director of Worker's Compensation. To receive assistance, you will first need to submit a NRLCA Form 30. This Form 30 must be received in the National Office before Devin can assist you with your issues. The ...

Step 4:Proper Credit for DPS Flats With More Than One Zone

The issue in this grievance concerns the proper credit during a mail count for DPS flats when a rural route delivers mail to more than one zone. The additional credit is based on a route that crosses between zones more than once. When this occurs the route is credited in ...

Coming Soon – Joint NRLCA/USPS Safety Teams

You may have noticed teams that include a rural carrier and manager coming to local offices. This is part of a newly created joint initiative between the NRLCA and USPS dealing with rural carrier safety. These teams go to offices to evaluate the safety of the office and talk with ...

Whose fault is it anyway?

My previous editorial "The Union Membership" raised some hackles.  Good, that is exactly what I wanted it to do.  Sometimes we have to instigate people to think about things from a different perspective.  If we are only surrounded by those with the exact same opinion, then we might not ever ...

The Union membership.

Not sure if most of you know this, but I usually stay on the union "bad" list for the information I share.  I am accused of letting non members have information only meant for union members.  I have heard this accusation since the beginning of this website.  Yes, I do ...

GMAC – Provider of RLC Vehicle Insurance Plan Becomes National General Insurance

As the provider of the RLC Vehicle Insurance Plan, GMAC Insurance is pleased to announce that we are now National General Insurance.  We are the same world-class company – powered by the same great people – just with a brand new look and name!    As National General Insurance, we ...

Rural Time Standard Engineer Study Update

A quick update- (Thank you Mike) The 3 time-study engineers are out and about in the field now. They visited several offices in the Greensboro district and even rode with one carrier. All 3 are very impressed with the work that we do and the many tasks we have to ...

Funeral procession for slain Rural Carrier Marie Youngblood

Over 700 friends, family and co-workers attended the funeral service for Marie Youngblood, the Rural Mail Carrier from Shepherd that was gunned down May 17th as she delivered mail on her route. Her vehicle was then driven to another location and burned with her in it. The service Saturday morning ...

A very disturbing trend has appeared among rural carriers…

I have come across a disturbing trend among rural carriers these last couple of months. I hear from so many that this is not the time to worry about our rights as rural carriers.. and that we have bigger things to worry about. While, I certainly understand that the USPS ...

Brief history of the rural craft

The following brief history recap is from Mort on delphi, he has combined his memory of things, along with facts from “A Centennial Portrait” by Lester F. Miller Very interesting read for those of us that were not around back in the 1970s… Thanks Mort.. Here is some history for ...

Response from USPS law/ethics department regarding the USPS social media policy

My Question:  Does the new revised social media policy restrict craft employees from engaging with each other on social media sites..  My understanding is that the new policies are that postal employees are not to speak on behalf of the USPS or act like they are in an official capacity..   ...

United we Stand? Not Quite….

United we stand?? Do we as a union stand united?  Are we all for one and one for all?  In my opinion, no we are not.  We are nothing like the labor unions of the old days.  We really do not have the kind of power they had back then ...

I am a fraud, a rural stalker, an IMPOSTER… Oh the horror

Ruralinfo.net note: This is a blast from the past.. Something I wrote a couple of years ago...  Still makes me giggle to this day..  Enjoy! Ok, so, I got word that one certain State Steward is telling carriers in his state that moi (ruralinfo) has been checked out by the ...

The USPS Double Standard..

Historical Editorial - Not recent- you will see references to past events The latest GAO report about spending by management just shows that the the USPS recession only affects craft workers. http://www.uspsoig.gov/foia_files/FF-AR-10-025.pdf While craft jobs are being cut management is continuing business as usual.. There is a new VP of ...