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Rural Carrier Hero: Gina McCool – Moores Hill, IN,

Postal Service employees often know their communities well. When they see something unusual, it doesn’t take them long to notice. Just ask Moores Hill, IN, Rural Carrier Gina McCool. She was beginning her route recently when she spotted a small boy alone in a park near the Post Office. McCool ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Debra Koskela, Osage, MN

Osage, MN, Rural Carrier Debra Koskela was delivering mail to a customer who said she was having difficulty breathing. After Koskela persuaded the woman to call 911, she was taken to a hospital where doctors determined she suffered a mild stroke. The woman’s daughters later sent Koskela a card to ...

RCA recognized as ‘Super Hero’

Declared a “Super Hero” by the U.S. Postal Service, rural carrier associate James W. Smith III, 37 of Verda, was also commended by Evarts Postmaster Peggy Haywood and his co-workers for performing “deeds above and beyond the call of his duty.” While delivering the mail recently on Cane Branch Road ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Devonna Brown, London, KY

London, KY, Rural Carrier Devonna Brown was driving on her route when the vehicle in front of her flipped over and crashed. Brown stopped her vehicle and administered first aid to the injured driver until emergency responders arrived. via USPS News Link - Heroes Corner archive - April 2015 ...

Rural Carrier Hero: James Smith, Evarts, KY

Evarts, KY, Rural Carrier James Smith was delivering mail at a house when he heard a woman inside calling for help. The front door was locked, so Smith ran next door to get help from her family. Smith and the relatives entered the house and found the woman lying on ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Nicholas Torinese, Bartow, FL

Bartow, FL, Rural Carrier Nicholas Torinese was on his route when he saw a woman fall to the ground and hit her head on concrete while walking to a mailbox. Torinese called 911 and administered first aid until emergency responders took the woman to a hospital where she recovered. The ...

USPS must bargain with rural letter carriers over cyber breach, NLRB says

The NRLCA contends that former Postmaster General Pat Donahoe deliberately kept Postal Service employees in the dark about the cyber breach. The delayed notice, it said, made it impossible for employees to immediately safeguard their personal information. The Postal Service admitted in November that at least two months earlier, hackers ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Biagio Gallicchio , Plattsburgh, NY

Plattsburgh, NY, Rural Carrier Biagio Gallicchio was delivering mail during a heavy snowfall when he noticed a snow blower running in a driveway. As he got closer, he saw a man lying on his back, covered in snow. The man had slipped and injured his leg while trying to pull ...

Rural mail carrier retires after nearly 50 years

JoAnn Lombardi, 81, stepped out of her white Subaru Outback one morning last week on Routt County Road 29 right next to a row of mailboxes right where Trout Creek tumbles out of the foothills of the Flat Tops mountain range. The longtime rural mail carrier handed rancher Bernard Knott ...

Updates from the NRLCA Eastern States Conference

The coalition the NRLCA has joined with Apwu/mail-handlers/NALC is very important as we lay aside our differences to fight for 6 day delivery, continued door-to-door delivery, fighting plant closing, and the very survival of the postal service. Although the jury is still out in regard to the new PMG, history ...

In federal courtroom, rare death penalty case involves slaying of postal employee

Lawyers for accused postal-worker killer James Wayne Ham say he will agree to "live in a box for the rest of his life" to avoid a death penalty trial, but Justice Department officials say they will continue to pursue a capital case against the San Jacinto County man. The 38-year-old ...

Rural mail carrier has been making her rounds for 47 years

Steamboat Springs — JoAnn Lombardi, 81, stepped out of her white Subaru Outback one morning last week on Routt County Road 29 right next to a row of mailboxes right where Trout Creek tumbles out of the foothills of the Flat Tops mountain range. The longtime rural mail carrier handed ...


The NRLCA was notified by the Postal Service in a letter dated February 5, 2015 that was received February 9, 2015. The NRLCA requested a meeting with the Postal Service per the Collective Bargaining Agreement. A meeting was held and a site visit scheduled to observe this new functionality. The ...

Step 4 Settlement on Disengaging Shoulder Belt When Delivering from a (RHD) Vehicle

This grievance concerns management requiring rural carriers to only disengage the shoulder belt when the vehicle is stopped and then must reengage the shoulder belt prior to moving the vehicle. The parties agree rural carriers are not expected to continually unfasten and fasten the shoulder belt when traveling between mailboxes ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Larry Shanafelt, Alma, IL

Alma, IL, Rural Carrier Larry Shanafelt was delivering mail when he saw a man crawling toward a trailer. The man, who is deaf, had been struggling for several hours to get inside after slipping on ice. Shanafelt reassured the man in sign language, covered him with blankets and called 911 ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Renne Pokojski, Kinmundy, IL

Kinmundy, IL, Rural Carrier Renne Pokojski was delivering a package to a house when she heard a woman inside calling for help. Pokojski entered and found the woman bleeding, bruised and lying at the bottom of the basement stairs. The woman said she was carrying glass candleholders when she fell ...

USPS instructs rural routes to take DPS Flats directly to the street after fulfillment of RHD agreement

USPS says the MOU-(DPS-Flats-Vehicle-8-11-2014) to allow routes with USPS provided vehicles to case DPS flats is terminated.  They claim they have fulfilled their obligation to put 15000 RHD Employer provided vehicles on rural routes and they will instruct carriers with Employer provided vehicles to cease casing and strapping out DPS flats on ...